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Hiring the Hall

Southrop Village Hall is available for hire by contacting Caroline Simmons, preferably by email on or by phone on 01367 850171.  The hall is in regular use, so you should contact Caroline as early as possible.

Key collection on the day, or before if necessary, is by arrangement with Caroline Simmons.  On completion of your hire, please make sure the hall is secure with the heating and lights switched off and return the keys immediately.  The hall does not enjoy the benefit of a council refuse collection, so all refuse must be bagged and removed from the premises at the end of the hire period.

The current scale of charges is shown below.  This was reviewed in October 2022 to ensure the hall's running costs are covered and some changes, including some modest increases to some charges, took effect from 1st November 2022.

To qualify for Villager rates, you must be resident in the Civil Parish of Southrop, the boundaries of which may be seen on the Ordnance Survey map or website.

Charges will be invoiced by email in the week before the hire period.  Payment should be made in advance by BACS to the account shown on the invoice.  The hall is not registered for VAT.

Clubs, Classes and Committees

Main Hall

Community Hub

Whole Building Day Rate

Childrens Parties



Evening Parties/Dances



Weddings/Commercial Bookings



Jumble Sales

All organisations


Hire of equipment for use off the premises



Crockery & Cutlery

Rate Per Hour



Fixed Charge










£3.60 per table

60p per chair



£20 holding fee for consecutive days where hall not hired for the evening in between

Morning or Afternoon only

Licence ends 23:59 includes half-day set-up

Includes set up night before and clear up morning after

Includes set up night before and clear up morning after

Incl set-up day before

All losses/damages to be paid for.

Clubs, Classes and Committees

Main Hall £12 per hour

Community Hub £8 per hour

Whole Building Day Rate £60
£20 holding fee for consecutive days where hall not hired for the evening in between

Children's Parties
Morning or Afternoon only

Villager £30

Non-Villager £45

Evening Parties/Dances
Licence ends 23:59 includes half-day set-up

Villager £65

Non-Villager £90

Weddings/Commercial Bookings
Includes set up night before and clear up morning after

Villager £150

Non-Villager £250

Jumble Sales
Includes set up day before

All organisations £50



Hire of equipment for use off the premises
All losses/damages to be paid for

Tables£3.60 per table

Chairs 60p per chair

Crockery & Cutlery £25