Regular Weekly Activities
The following classes, clubs and events take place in Southrop Village Hall on a regular weekly basis. If in doubt, please contact the organiser before attending any specific class etc, as details may sometimes change.
8.45am - 11.30am Community Shop open for sales of groceries, local free range eggs and fresh fruit and vegetables. Greetings cards, coffee or tea and biscuits are also available.
9.00 am - 12 noon Post Office open for all normal PO transactions except Road Tax.
8.00pm - 10.00pm RAOB Meeting - Committee Room
11.30am Fitness Class (Circuits) with Jo Coleman.
All abilities welcome. Contact:
£6.00 per session or £5.00 per session for a term booking.
Other Less Frequent Activities
These activities sometimes take place in the Village Hall. Please contact the organiser for details.
Southrop Parish Council Meetings
The Council meets every two months, usually in the Village Hall. Residents of the parish are invited to attend. The Parish Council Notice Board is located outside the Village Hall where notices of forthcoming meetings are posted. Details are also published on the Parish Council pages of this website.
Friendship Circle
This is a group of over-60s which meets every first Thursday of the month, usually alternating between Southrop and Eastleach Village Halls. Speakers are invited and outings are organised in the summer months.